Redeem the poor.

Restore the broken.

Revive the church.

Reach the nations.

Bringing Hope, Healing, Repentance, and Life

Time is running out.

The reward is almost here.

Now is the time for the Church to wake up and fulfil her call.

Now is the time to build the Kingdom that lasts forever through ushering in the greatest harvest of souls in human history, extend our hand to those who are poor, bring healing to those who are broken, and bring light to those who are in a great darkness.

Redeem the Poor

This brick business in Kenya was shut down when the owner was brought to his death bed. All of the proceeds of the brick business support his orphanage and he did not have the funds to get it running again but through God’s grace, Mighty Hand Ministries was able to fund the relaunch of his business.

Jesus brought compassionate love to the home of a broken and suicidal man in Bolivia who was delivered from being mute in this very moment and brought to a new life of joy in Christ.

Restore the Broken

Revive the Church

Mighty Hand Construction partnering with a local church overseas to build them a house of worship.

Reach the Nations

Mighty Hand Ministries has been able to reach a beautiful hungry people desperate for hope in the middle east who are hearing the gospel for the very first time and receiving the Word of God with gladness.

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

— Jesus


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
